
Topic: Student Questions

Web-based Brand Knowledge Mapping

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
This might be a tough one:
I'm looking for a tool which allows the collection and interpretation of brand knowledge by means of a web-based mapping method.

Something like this:

The example mentioned above is built on the work of Klein-Reesink [1,2] and Recke [3]. It is basically an online version of John et. al's Brand Concept Maps [4]. ...And it's a bit pricey for a student.

Therefore my question is:
Where can i find a measurement tool like the one mentioned above?
- for a reasonable price (less than 400 €)? [optional]
- with the same functionality? [optional]

Klein Reesink, Thomas. Conceptual Brand M@pping -a Web-based Approach to Collect Brand Knowledge and Its Interpretation Using Network Analysis. 2004.

Klein Reesink, Thomas. Markenwissen - Conceptual Brand M@pping: Ein Webbasierter Ansatz Zur Strukturierten Erhebung, Darstellung Und Interpretation Semantischer Netzwerke Von Marken. Hamburg : Kovač, 2008.

Recke, Tobias. Die Bestimmung Der Repositionierungsintensität Von Marken: Ein Entscheidungsunterstützendes Modell Auf Basis Von Semantischen Netzen. 1. Aufl. Wiesbaden : Gabler, 2011.

Deborah Roedder John, Barbara Loken, Kyeongheui Kim, and Alokparna Basu Monga (2006) Brand Concept Maps: A Methodology for Identifying Brand Association Networks. Journal of Marketing Research: November 2006, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 549-563.
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