
Topic: Other

Validate Mailing List

Posted by rotols13 on 250 Points
I am currently in the process of validating a list of over 18,000 records that is at least 10 years old. The company would like to know if the people listed in the ACT list are still employed with the company's associated with them. Is their a service, or strategy that I can employ to do a massive validation of employment?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you're looking to validate that their email address is still working (a clue that they're still employed) you might consider a tool such as: or

    If you have a mailing list, then you'll need to be a bit cleverer, perhaps hiring a consultant to validate your list against LinkedIn profiles programmatically (they'll write software to lookup names/company combos against employment history online and see if they're still employed).
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Heeey rotols13,

    I'm not sure what kind of budget your company has set aside for this or what the actual purpose and beneficial value this will have on your company. But the first thing I would do is contact a List Broker and explain to them what you are trying to accomplish. There are list brokers that are geographically located in your community or national list brokers. Of course this will work best if your records are digital (and if they are) it will be easy for you to get the individuals name and company name over to the list broker. They should be able to cross reference each individual on your list by employment and any other detail you'd like to know…of course this will cost you money but it will save on time. If you do this yourself you need to estimate your cost for doing this in house and the length of time it takes to figure out the cost of doing one of these and multiply that by 18,000. Plus you'll have to figure out the cost of those in your company who are required to help on this project and that cost needs to be added in. But again I believe a list broker would save you a tremendous amount of time for many obvious reasons and at the same time provide you with a smart system that will abolish this kind of problem in the future.

    How else May I SERVE You rotols13 ?

    Your Servant,

    Lovingly Deremiah *CPE, (Customer Passion Expert)
  • Posted by anand_srinivasan on Accepted
    I think Getresponse has a feature to validate the email list - you could probably use that.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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