
Topic: Branding

Primary And Secondary Research Of The Brand Value

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
What is the possible range of relevant primary and secondary research methods which could assist in validating the overall brand value. Also please mention the potential data source(s) within each of these methods.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Is this a homework question, or do you have specific questions you need to answer in order to launch or assess a real brand? How will our answers be used? What will you do with the information.

    Assuming there's a real brand, it would help us to have more information: What's the brand, category, industry? Is it the market leader, secondary or smaller niche brand? B2B or B2C? Who is the primary target audience? Is there a major competitor? Where is the target audience? Brand value depends on the geographic distribution.

    If you really want an assessment of brand value, you will almost certainly need the assistance of a market research professional ... and they will need all the same information requested above -- and probably more.

    The "range of relevant primary and secondary research methods" will be different for different regions, industries, markets, etc. You'll need to be much more forthcoming with information if you want a useful answer. And the "range" might be a specific study or approach, as the "range" would depend on your expected use of the findings and conclusions.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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