
Topic: Branding

Tag Line For A Portal Of Particular Community

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Group of businessmen offering various unique products of most types have planned to launch a portal helping customers buy online.

Need a emotional tag line that helps win-win relationships with customers without compromising business ethics.

Please help me.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's the name of the company?
    Who's likely to purchase from the portal? Why?
    What types of unique products?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Unless the businesses are all seeking the same target audience and offering the same end-benefit, there is no tagline that will do much for you. Whatever you come up with will be sub-optimal for everyone ... or so generic as to be meaningless.

    Why not give each business its own identity and focus the messages on the specific target audience that makes most sense for each one?

    What's the rationale behind the portal approach?
  • Posted by cookmarketing@gmail. on Member
    Does one assume those coming to your website have prior knowledge of product themes?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    So it seems (a) that your target audience is consumers and businesses in the Bramhan community, and (b) that the common reason for wanting this portal is to suggest to consumers that they should support/trust businesses in their own Bramhan community. If I understand this correctly then the tagline should be something like
    "Businesses in Our Community You Can Trust"

    As a separate matter, whenever you have a site that represents multiple businesses, the advertisers should recognize that a bad experience with any business that advertises there can compromise the effectiveness of the whole site, with potential negative rub-off on any/all of the others. If everyone understands that going-in, then this might be OK ... at least until the first unfortunate experience occurs. With some luck (and perhaps a contract/agreement up-front) this won't ever become a problem.

    Or perhaps the portal can offer a value-added service like guaranteeing customer satisfaction with a no-questions-asked money-back assurance for all advertisers' products or services (funded by the merchants, of course).

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