
Topic: Other

Exhibit Hall Changes. . . .

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Going from a one evening & two day exhibits at our national conference (tradeshow) to a one day only exhibits (and offering no competing events/distractions).
We are a nonprofit membership association, and after many years of the former exhibit hall proposition, this year we are going to try this new format.

We can guarantee the same approx. number of registrants each year (usually 1,200+), representing some 300+ member facilities.

Just wondering if there may be others who've done something similar, have some firsthand experience, and/or recommendations. Marketing this new approach is not without its challenges. Appreciate good, seasoned, constructive input.

Thank you.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    I've done many trade shows/conferences and thinking this question over and taking into account you are seasoned and have done many trade show/conferences yourself, the only idea I can think of to offer you is:

    1) Is it still possible to be on the speaking agenda at the show? This is a sure fire way to get more visibility. If you have not already done this I would try as hard as I could to be a speaker at some sort of event, or get on a panel, anything to get outside of the booth and into the main program itself. I know you said it offers no competing events/distractions, but I'm not sure what it excludes/includes such as seminars/panels.

    Whenever we got out of the booth and involved in the conference itself, prospect interest and qualified leads always increased exponentially.

    I hope that helps.

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