
Topic: Taglines/Names

A Unique And Fun Name For A New Travel Agency

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am opening a travel agency in South Florida that specializes in air, cruises and honeymoons and a fun and unique name. There are few names that i thought of but they are not catchy enough. Does anyone have any ideas?
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  • Posted by Ryan Rutan on Member
    Hi Camille,

    First, congratulations on having the gumption to start a new business, and best of luck as you move forward!

    I agree with you that the name should be short, and memorable, but doesn't need to explicitly state your purpose, as long as your tag-line does.

    I agree with Phil that the core communication proposition of the business seems to be honeymoons.

    Over the Moon - Travel for Lovers
    FairyTrails - Storybook Honeymoons

    I have a lot of fun ways to play with the words around a concept like this, and can see a lot of fun branding / logo / typesetting options.

    If you would like to communicate further, feel free to contact me!

    [Skype address deleted by staff]

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