
Topic: Just for Fun

Is Donald Trump Really A Billionare?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Do you think that donald trump is really a billionaire?

From what I've read he doesnt really own the buildings he has he just licenses his name to financial interests who really owns the buildings and such.

Forbes says that trump is worth $2.5 billion but I fail to see how that is possible.Unless they are basing that on the equity of his name.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I can believe he is.

    His main focus is real estate. In the market we've had in the States for the past 10 years, prices have consistently gone up. So even if he buys a property by borrowing 100% of the price (which I don't think is possible in commercial real estate), and holds it for any time, he has made money due to the assets appreciating.

    Sept 11 also likely helped him, as it took millions of square feet of rentable space off the market, increasing the demand for the space he has.

    Definitely challenging to calculate, but I trust Forbes to have a feel for his value (though I don't expect the number they came up with to be 100% accurate).
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Alternatively, no, otherwise he would get better hair.

    Honestly.... does he have no idea how he looks?

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