
Topic: Branding

Name Change Tactic For Web Site

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
My company is going through the planning stages of a name change. We are identifying areas on the web site with the old logo, name and contact info. In our press release sections we have <10 releases. We were not going to change the name of the company in the releases but how do we avoid the confusion of the names? We have a branded header and the old url will have a splash page that will inform the user of the change and then redirect them to the new URL.
- Do we merely leave it as is?
- Do we put an explanation at the top of the section and on the pages explaining the name change (<3 sentences say)?
- Do we change the name of the compnay in the old releases?
We are going to change the contact info on the release. Any help is appreciated.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    You don''t say anything about your company, clients etc, but you MUST do a really thorough job when doing something like changing the name of your company.

    That said you really do not need to change the name of the old press releases.

    Have you ordered plenty of new promotional material with the new name, logo and contact information? Have you got new stationary ? New business cards ? Got your templates changed for presentations etc ?

    Other than that, it sounds like you have done everything you need to do.
  • Posted on Member
    I don''t know if you have this on your website but if you have a list of people who sign to receive the latest update about the web page you could use it to communicate your audience. Remember that you should have your customers well informed. In addition, you could have a link called "tell a friend" and in this way you will be providing the new name. Of course, I will recommend you to award those people with just free stuff or with info they might be interested in. There are many sites that offer free stuff you can use.

    Or what about having a press release and asking people why they think that the company changed the name. And the ten closest answers win a price. This could be done through a well press release announcing you contest.

    I hope any of those ideas are helpful.
    oscar gongora

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