
Topic: Branding

Branding In The Internet

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I would like to get information on branding in the Internet or via Internet pages
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    There really isn''t any difference between branding on the internet or else where for that matter.

    80% of branding is about what you do inside the organisation, only a small percentage is about communicating this to your market.

    Branding is all about delivering a promise, when anyoen buys your branded prodiuct or solution they pretty much know the quality of the good and the support they will get when they interact with you.
    Your brand values are known and supported by all inside your business, what you do now is communicate that to the marketplace.

    Branding on the net is no different to using trade magazines, flyers or 48 sheet poster sites! The important questions are still the same.

    Does your target market visit the internet, what sites will they use (useful to know where to put your ads), what click through do you expect, what is the cost per click!
    Then evaluate this against traditional marketing communications that you use.

    I hope that this helps!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Andrew is right. Branding is essentially the same in any media.

    The keys are orgaizing your services and targeting a demographic!

    I wish I could say more but Andrew pretty much covered it! I just wanted to concurr.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by sammykarij on Member
    Branding defination will stand the same. However how you do it on the web is pretty different. You need to be very clear on how you deliver and communicate the value you offer on the internet. People on the net are not out to shop for the best looking site. They are out to look for information. Be it specific infomation or just browsing. You must come with a way to present this information in the most captivating and memorable way. At the end of the day clients experience on you ebsite will be translated into their mental image about the brand you are trying to build.

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