
Topic: Branding

Any Ideas On How To Market A Phyisician's Office??

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
How would you go about marketing a doctor's office in the Lehigh Valley, pa area?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Is this a new practice? Recently purchased? What specialty? Who do you target? Are old clients getting better (and leaving) and you need to heal new ones? What other care do you provide (both in-office and outside)?
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Accepted
    In addition to providing handouts at local events, some doctors participate in a free health screening annually at a hospital or on premises of the doctors' offices.

    Usually a few medical professionals volunteer for the event, which is a community service promoted in local media. Since the patients must fill out a consent form (for the exam) so results can be sent to their primary care providers, the volunteer doctors increase their practice a bit because some patients don't have a doctor/specialist.

    In this neck of the woods the most common screenings offered are for skin and prostate cancer, cholesterol, hearing and heart health.The doctors do the cancer screenings, while nurses/technicians do the blood test, EKG and hearing test.

    Good luck.

    Corpcommer / MC
  • Posted on Accepted
    To loosely quote Seth Godin, the best way to market something is to build “remarkability” into your services. Do the opposite of what is expected from doctors. Most of us see the doctor experience in these terms:

    1. The waiting room procedure stinks

    2. The doctor seems very busy

    So doing the opposite would be to:

    1. Provide a remarkable waiting experience with Internet access, snacks/ drinks and beepers (like restaurants) to buzz them when it is their turn.

    2. Have the doctors spend real personal time with each patient, looking them in the eye (not in the chart) and calling them at home just to “see how they are doing”.

    There are many other suggestions, but the more remarkable the experience the less marketing you will have to do yourself because of the word of mouth that will quickly spread. Just my two cents.

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