
Topic: Taglines/Names

Lawyer Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a lawyer in a small town and am taking the next six months to refocus my practice. Presently I am a "general practitioner" doing several types of legal work. My goal is to serve the small entrepreneurial business owner (and women specifically) with an innovative legal services delivery model: clients pay by the month for a pre-determined list of legal services, which will include unlimited phone calls, document review, monthly meetings, business coaching, and access to a "business concierge" who will follow up with them weekly to make sure that I am serving their needs. Additional work will be done on a flat-fee basis, with prices quoted before the work begins.

I am looking for a name for my practice. I want to avoid using my last name, as it is difficult to spell, and because I anticipate bringing in at least two more attorneys in the next year and don't want to have to add their names to the letterhead. All ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Matt
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  • Posted by williamarruda on Member
    First, let me congratulate you on your differentiated offering and focused target market. Bravo!

    Your name needs to reflect this differentiation and focused audience (unless you plan to expand oustide this focus).

    Here is a process you can use to determine a name:

    1. Develop the critieria up front. What must this name convey? What must it not reflect? What feelings do you want it to conjure up? Rank order your criteria.
    2. Hold a brainstorming session. Describe your business and target audience and document all the ideas that the participants provide.
    3. Downselect to a number of names by measuring them against the criteria you established in step 1. These names should all 'sound right.'
    4. See if those names are available from a trademark and web domain perspective.
    5. Test the available names with a few members of your target market.
    6. Select your final name based on their input.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Posted by Markitek on Member
    Your existing practice suggests the name

    "Immediate Law Group"

    There's a pun in it but a subtle one.

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