
Topic: Customer Behavior

How Many Times Must A Customer See Advertising...?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
For a presentation, my team would like to answer the following question: On average, how many times must a customer see a product or advertisement before it makes an impression? We're looking for specific numbers based on valid marketing research to support the assertion that consistency and repetition are key elements of any campaign. Does anyone have access to information like this? Your help would be much appreciated.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Great question:
    Not sure about seeing an ad, but I know if contact details are flashed on a screen, it needs 6 seconds for it to sink into the mind and be recalled with some accuracy!
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Here’s some basic advice from Norman Hart (Marcom Guru).

    “Modern Purchasing” ran some surveys (year unknown) and found the following page formats provided the most interest, and hence a higher recall:

    full page in black and white 20.3% (ad for raw material)
    Inset in black and white 17.8% (ad for exhibition)
    ¼ page in black and white 16.9% (ad for tools)
    ½ page in black and white 14.4% (ad for industrial products)
    1 page in two colours 3.4% (ad for electrical goods)

    The products being advertised isn’t the interesting bit, what seems to be interesting from the research is that black and white ads, have the greatest impact in print!

    The research also showed that the average recall for editorial was 9.9% whereas its 41.4% for advertorials.

    The size of the ad doesn’t seem to matter from my personal experience, as long as the message is right and the creatives work, a quarter page ad can be as effective as a half page can work.

    This is also backed up by some research by Cahners Publishing in the US, which again showed little difference between the response rates for a full page ad as opposed to a half page ad.

    Right hand pages also seem to offer better recall, and because of that I always ask for either right hand page or centre double page spread.

    I have started using banners as a lead up to my main ad too.

    Hope this helps!

  • Posted by tjh on Accepted
    I asked a question a couple of days ago that has brought some wonderful responses so I'll point you to my question here:

    And then steal the thunder of:

    Who pointed me to:
    Which discusses the concept of Recency, and discusses it's relationship to frequency. I found this a wonderful reference.

    and then, Michele, referred me to this:
    which has a frequency discussion.

    Plus, I found this trove of info on ad effectiveness, recall and frequency:

    Hope that helps.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I have always been taught, told, and utilizing the "5-7 times" rule. IT seems to vary depending on the resource. Although I have never found any actual "Study" per se, a majority of the community tends to agree and from my person experience, it appears to hold true.

    Here are a couple of intersting links on the topic.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I think it must be a gut think with your market, I guess you know when then will get sick of seeing it.

    Frequency is really difficult because its number of ad impressions over a period (I'm not sure if 4 over 12 months is better or worse that 4 over 6 months!). Will anyone ever know!

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