
Topic: MProfs PRO Seminar Q&A

Hot Tips About Digital Marketing From D M F

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Welcome seminar attendees! Continue the conversation started during the Dec 16 MarketingProfs PRO seminar. This is the place to post your questions or comments for presenter Ann Handley and for each other.

To all other KHErs: You're welcome to participate in this discussion too! Seminar attendance is not required.


Fireside Chat: Hot Tips about Digital Marketing from DMF--on Dec 16 at 12pm ET
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Do we get a few tidbits from the seminar, or do we have to spend an hour to see if it's useful for us?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Sharon,

    I might not win many friends with this suggestion, but for those readers who are NOT Pro members, I ask that M. Profs consider making their seminars free, and that, in future seminars along the same lines of "Hot Tips About ...", include copy that offers a little more incentive to listen.

    Perhaps a bulleted list along the lines of:

    "In this seminar you will learn:

    How to ABC your customers with XYZ
    The #1 ranked technique to maximize opt in success
    Why 123 will massively increase your ABC
    When to use QWERTY and why ..."

    and so on.

    All I'm asking is that the points above be considered.

    Thank you.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Wilmngton, DE, USA
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Gary, the seminar referenced in Sharon's message IS free. And if you follow the link in her message you'll find a section titled, "You will learn ..." that contains four bullet-points with exactly the tidbits you suggest.

    If there's a problem with Sharon's message it's that by calling this a PRO seminar she implies that it's for PRO members ... when it's really not. It's for anyone who wants to spend an hour listening to it.

    I think it would be great if the presenter would drip a few of the main tips from the seminar on the KHE, so we could all benefit without having to invest the time the seminar takes. (That's one of the problems with seminars, eh?) If the tips are enticing enough, then some might even listen to the whole seminar.

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