
Topic: Copywriting

Company Being Acquired - Advertising Headline

Posted by Anonymous on 80 Points
I'm the sole marketer for a small finance company that's about to be purchased by a much larger company that doesn't have any marketing assistance. We're going to be placing ads in business pubs announcing the deal and I need some help on headlines. Thoughts?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What's the goal of the advertisements? Besides "we're now part of a bigger family", who would likely care about this news and why? Put another way, if you didn't announce the news, would anyone notice or care?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What's the goal? What are you trying to accomplish with the ads you're placing? Who is the target audience? What is the benefit for them? Why might they care about the company ownership? Not sure I get it.

    Just based on what you've told us, I'd skip the acquisition altogether and focus on the unique and important benefit you offer and provide to your target audience.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    I only have one thought: don't.

    Don't place ads. Don't shout it from the rooftops. Don't announce it. Here's why:

    Unless there's some major new benefit that every reader of this publication will benefit from, really .... it's doubtful anyone cares.

    I know you're the sole marketing person but look at it this way: the bigger company has no marketing assistance so why bother telling other people in your niche that you're now connected to them in a press ad? If you really MUST announce this news, your money will be better spent by sending a postcard ... or a letter, but press ads to announce this kind of news are a waste of money.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone. The goal is to let the business community know that we've changed hands and we will now be able to offer enhanced services that we couldn't in the past.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a choice on whether or not to place the ad. However, I will focus more on the benefits to current and future customers.

    We are planning on sending out a letter to current clients, assuring them that their service won't change and the level of care they're currently receiving will continue.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    The purchase announcement could go out as a press release. That is the type of thing local business journals may pick up, as they often list changes and promotions and such.

    Sounds like you know what you want to list in your ad - the new, enhanced services. Part of what I am not clear about is whether you are advertising this as part of your old company (the smaller one being acquired) or the larger, buying company. Telling the smaller company's clients about the acquisition and how it won't impact their business with you, beyond that new services would be available, is important. And the letter does that. But doing this also in ads is a bit more questionable. I could see advertising a s away to not so much talk about the acquisition and reassure old customers, but to try to gain new customers (that neither the acquiring or acquired company had before).
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Peter is right, but if you really have to, you can turn the press release heading into the ad heading. Howevr, something with more "pizzazz" speaking directly to the target market would more likely get better attention.

    Sorry, we would just need to know more about the "enhanced services" to be able to come up with more creativity beyond the "TOWN BUSINESSES: New Service Offering Now Available at [Small Finance Company!]

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