
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Website Selling Grocery/laundry/cleaning

Posted by hassan.sabir on 250 Points
Hello!<br /><br />Hope this message finds you well.<br /><br />We want to start an e-commerce website selling grocery, providing laundry and cleaning services to home and offices and cant come up with a suitable name.<br /><br />Target Market is 25 to 35 aged busy professionals, mothers and to be mothers. As this place is a holiday destination so want to target travelers as well.<br /><br />We are looking for a catchy name and we would like to provide one stop solution to our customers. <br /><br />Would appreciate if you can help in this regard.<br /><br />Thank you!!<br /><br />Regards,<br />Sabir
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Firstly a word of warning that a catchy name will not bring clients in and of itself.

    Secondly the more targeted you can be will both increase the effectiveness of and reduce the cost of your advertising.

    In the face of internationally branded corporations, what is the one thing that will encourage customers to buy from you? (And if you say "price" there are few of us who will be impressed. It is the cheapest shot). Can you (for example) deliver within 6 hrs (or 12?) same day or even less than 6hrs. If you are local you could even claim a same-hour delivery - or you money back.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    [CityName] Home Concierge
    [CityName] Home Helper

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