
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline-private Psychology Practice.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have just bought an existing Psychology Practice called Men and Relationships Counselling. We provide counselling and psychotherapy to men and those in relationship with them, including couples therapy and individual therapy. I am developing a Social Media Marketing plan, the idea of which is to give the practice an online presence, and providing helpful tips, advice and information including a blog and newsletter.

I believe in creating a more dynamic presence online as opposed to a static appointment focused website.

I am looking for some taglines that describe, or brand the business to
attract clients.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Attracting clients is best done by communicating a compelling benefit. So what's your compelling benefit? What makes you different from, and better than, all the other psychologists in your area? Why should someone in your target audience choose you?

    Simply coming up with some clever words just to have a tagline is a waste of time. People who are looking for a psychologist are probably not going to be amused by cute words. They want to know how you can help them, what makes you different, or whether you should even be in their consideration set.

    So if we're going to come up with a tagline for you that will really "attract clients," we need to know (1) exactly who is your target audience (other than "men"), and (2) what's in it for them to engage you (and not some other psychologist)?

    Can you help us with that?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    In furtherance to what M. Goodman has said, I would take a slightly different approach. You are already serving quite a specific niche - and as a psychologist you ought to have some insight into the clients you deal with. Even if they were for your last business, they will have a certain character.

    There will be ones you didn't get on with too.

    Because if you can focus on your best client's character your advertising will be far more powerful than otherwise. Tailor your "compelling benefit" just for them, and they will love it. Others will like it too. Remember that they would only have liked it, even if you had targeted them specifically. It is part of what I describe as "the silent dog whistle for clients". Oh, and this is the complete antithesis to branding - which is both expensive and very poor advertising.

    Focus your copy on the problems that lead people to use your services. Again this sort of insight should be second nature for a psychologist. You are providing answers after all, so ask their questions for them and then sort them out with the results when they have an appointment.

    "Men and Relationships Counselling" - confused? frustrated? form your thoughts with us - then answer them.

    Or something like that ...

    Moriarty xx

  • Posted by art on Member
    Men and Relationships Counselling – deal with it.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Fall Deeper In Love
    Find Lasting Happiness
  • Posted on Author
    Interesting responses. I tend to go for the problem focused approach mixed with solution provisions, however, I am looking for creative tag lines here and yet to be completely inspired.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted

    As a psychologist you will know that when a client sits on your couch you can't deal with them unless they are talking to you.

    It is the same with marketers. We can't provide a decent tagline that expresses the uniqueness of your business unless you tell us something about it. You have clients, study them. Because looking at those who are your best ones (and the ones you like most) will tell you a great deal about yourself.

    If you can tell us what they like and don't like it would then allow us to form a sensible - and inspiring - tagline for you. If this is not possible then get in touch with Mr. Goodman who can help you further.

    A tagline is more than just fun. It describes the how and what of your individual business - and we don't have one breath of that so far. Vague concepts such as " tend to go for the problem focused approach mixed with solution provisions" isn't really going to set you apart from the herd.

    In the mean time try these and please tell us *what you like or don't like* about them. This is of immense importance for the marketer.

    "My focus is your problem"
    "Individual solutions to individual problems"
    "Tailoring solutions to you"


  • Posted on Author
    Thankyou for the comments so far, I'm new to this and recognise I haven't given much away as yet. However, I have written some notes on the issues the practice works with, the experience of my clients and some of the outcomes of my work. As follows:

    Communication, Conflict, Trust , Affairs/Betrayal, Parenting, Separation, Divorce, Blended Families
    Step Parenting, Intimacy/Sexual problems

    Confidence and Self Esteem, Anxiety, Depression, Anger,Stress and Relaxation, Sexuality and Gender, Trauma, Addictions, Childhood Abuse

    Career Development, Life-work balance, Work related stress, Return to workforce

    Confused, Stuck, Overwhelmed, Depressed, Anxious, Sadness , Withdrawn, Closed
    Avoiding, Procrastinating, Angry, Distant, Unmotivated, Scared, Numb, Blank, Irritable
    Intolerant, Tired, Poor sleep, Over active mind, Sense of Helplessness , Sense of Powerlessness
    Stressed, Controlling and out of control, Stubborn, Lack of intimacy, Not communicating, Distracted
    Cloudy mind, Too busy, Verbally Abusive, Physically Abusive, Emotionally Abusive,, Pleaser
    Betrayed, Mistrust, Demanding, Self critical, Critical of others, Over burdened, Misunderstood, Grief and Loss

    More accepting of difficult feelings
    Less judgemental of self and others
    Increase intimacy
    Clarity and understanding
    More relaxed
    Increase in Self belief
    More confident
    Open communication
    More flexible with self and others
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator

    Those phrases look like keywords for a psychology textbook. Let us do our work by giving us what we need, as marketers, to create a tagline that will work for you. We don't need to know what you do or what problems you deal with. We need to know about your primary target audience and what important benefit they're seeking. The tagline isn't about YOU and what YOU do, it's about what THEY need and what THEY think is important.

    If this were a project assigned to a marketing professional, we'd probably recommend letting us talk with a dozen folks in your primary target audience. We'd ask them a few high-gain questions about their needs, beliefs, attitudes, habits, and practices -- and their expectations from psychological counseling. We'd listen hard, and take detailed notes. We'd be listening especially for the words they use and the emotional expressions of their most compelling need.

    We would probably NOT be asking YOU about the psychology terms and concepts that are important to YOU.

    So, given that, can you tell us more about your target audience's most important need and the most important benefit they are seeking -- in the terms they would use to describe them? You want your tagline to speak to them, right? That's why we have to know what kind of "monkey chatter" is going on in THEIR brains. The more specific the better. And at an emotional level, if at all possible.
  • Posted on Author
    my previous post with the Client Experience list are from the horses mouth so to speak. It's what clients are describing as their experience of their problems when they talk with me by phone and in their initial consultations. Here is that list again:

    Confused, Stuck, Overwhelmed, Depressed, Anxious, Sadness , Withdrawn, Closed
    Avoiding, Procrastinating, Angry, Distant, Unmotivated, Scared, Numb, Blank, Irritable
    Intolerant, Tired, Poor sleep, Over active mind, Sense of Helplessness , Sense of Powerlessness
    Stressed, Controlling and out of control, Stubborn, Lack of intimacy, Not communicating, Distracted
    Cloudy mind, Too busy, Verbally Abusive, Physically Abusive, Emotionally Abusive,, Pleaser
    Betrayed, Mistrust, Demanding, Self critical, Critical of others, Over burdened, Misunderstood, Grief and Loss

    The target market are men who are struggling in life and can afford to pay for professional support. They are men who are unhappy and have found their usual resources to cope don't always work, like overworking, drinking too much, spending too much money, having affairs, and many other ways of avoiding or distracting from their feelings and thoughts.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    So would you say that you guide them in a search for purpose, meaning, inner peace, direction? Is there a common result that would apply to all these folks? You obviously can't use all their words in your tagline, but perhaps there is an end-result that would encompass most/all of them.

    How would all these people feel if your services met their expectations/desires? Would they gain self-esteem? Meaning in their lives? What? Instead of focusing on their problems, let's think about how they would feel [about themselves] if you could deliver what they're seeking -- the end-benefit.

    Don't rush this exercise. It may well prove to be the most important part of your marketing effort. Just as your services often require several weeks or months of therapy before the client sees the benefit, smart and effective marketing frequently requires an extensive kind of "psychotherapy" too. Don't force it to meet an artificial deadline; you're only cheating yourself if you do.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    you say "usual resources to cope don't always work, like overworking, drinking too much, spending too much money, having affairs" there will always be a reason for this behavior. What is more, with your best clients, there will be a startling commonality.

    If you can discover this trait - because it is the key to your business and your advertising.

    With this information we can then start to make something of your tagline.

  • Posted on Author
    These threads are really useful for me to try and articulate the core of my practice. Men strive to be successful in life and become the hero in any situation, either at work or at home. They want to save people, fix people and make things better. An appearance of strength and control of emotions is tightly held on to and is often seen as a great attribute in the early days of a relationship. The problem is, that this show of strength is often a way of avoiding deeper, negative feelings. Society brings up guys to be big, strong and powerful, but deep inside a great many feel weak and lacking in confidence. To act like a hero can be a mask of fear to show a vulnerable side, however men are not immune from the fears and insecurities that all human beings face. A sense of failure and inadequacy lurks in most people. Rather than feel this guilt and failure, most men will subdue their feelings and pretend that they don't have them!

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Become a Super Man, Not Superman
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    you say "Men strive to be successful in life and become the hero in any situation, either at work or at home. They want to save people, fix people and make things better. An appearance of strength and control of emotions is tightly held on to and is often seen as a great attribute in the early days of a relationship. The problem is, that this show of strength is often a way of avoiding deeper, negative feelings."

    There will always be a **reason for this behavior**. Think hard and dig deep - and forget trying to rationalize what your clients do. Emotions lie outside the rational, logical part of the thinking brain. They usually control it in ways that to most people are quite alarming.

    It is this level that the best marketers work at. It is the realm of the powerful tagline.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for all the responses. Hope everyone had a great Xmas, and wishing you all a successful new year

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