
Topic: Career/Training

Marketing Bonus Tied To Sales Performance?

Posted by lkirkland on 25 Points
I am about to be promoted to a new marketing director position. I would like to ask for bonus incentives.

I am on the same level as the other department directors who receive bonuses based on their store's sales. The new programs I am introducing are already increasing their sales figures.

I'm trying to decide what to ask for. Bonus based on sales? Bonus based on increasing conversions? I saw an older question in here that proposed bonuses based on completing projects but I think that's too easy. I think it should be tied to how my efforts increase the bottom line. Any advice?

Thank you

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    What do you think you can impact in the business that the business also wants? You can probably get more people interested (more leads, more hits, whatever), where they really want more profits. if you feel you can impact the profitability of the company (or of products lines you are marketing manager for), then go for that. If not, work your way back step by step from profitability until you find something you think you can impact that is as close to profitability as you can get. This should give you what is most attractive to them.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Depends on management's long term goals: you may want to align the things you can deliver with what's most important to them over the course of the next two years.
  • Posted by lkirkland on Author
    Thanks - both excellent points to analyze. I know I can come up with trackable results to show increased leads and traffic & follow those through to actual sales. I think showing a combination of all 3 would be essential. I've just had each store put lead tracking in place so we have a starting point of where people are coming from. It's fun actually taking a company that previously had no marketing structure and begin showing the leadership real data of where leads are coming from, where the site traffic originates and what their behaviors are. I think we can get a win-win here.

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