
Topic: Research/Metrics

Target Respondents Of Ambulance Service

Posted by khiemnguyen1264 on 125 Points
Anyone can help me about identifying target respondent of ambulance service and new residential housing?
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I don't understand the question. Where are you, and what's the business goal?

    Target respondent = an ambulance service?
    Target respondent = new residential housing manager?
    Target respondent = a resident in new residential development?
    Target respondent = dispatcher at emergency number, hospital, healthcare provider?
  • Posted by khiemnguyen1264 on Author
    Sorry about lack of information. it is in South Australia state of Australia. Im doing my assignment about market research.
    For each of the three following scenarios, discuss who the target respondent/s
    should be, whether qualitative or quantitative research is needed (or both), and an appropriate data collection method. Broadly indicate how large the sample should be for each method you recommend and how you would select them. Explain and justify your answers discussing such issues as the nature of the research objectives, cost, timeliness of data collection, availability of potential respondent information, required sample size for such a situation, representativeness of data (i.e. nonresponse), and any other research relevant issues. Be sure to discuss each scenario
    Scenario 1
    Lochiel Park is a new residential housing development 8 kilometers from the Adelaide CBD on the River Torrens in the suburb of Campbelltown. The area transformed into a ‘green village’ that incorporates a range of sustainable technologies ( You have been appointed as the marketing manager for the Urban Renewal Authority. You want to research how and why residents selected the suburb and what they do and do not like about living there
    and how it has changed their energy use. The information will be used in designing and marketing future developments in South Australia.
    Scenario 2
    You are the marketing manager for the South Australian Ambulance Service. You wish to undertake a survey of customer service quality and satisfaction levels amongst people who have recently been transported by ambulance as a Priority 1 or Priority 2 (ie not a routine, non-emergency patient transfer between hospitals). The data will be used as a benchmark to track service quality improvements over time.
    Scenario 3
    You are the marketing manager of Smiggle, a chain of retail stores in Australia that sells stationery that is designed to be fun (the company’s slogan is “where a smile meets a giggle”). You want to research who is buying from your stores, what items they like most and why and if the people who buy are the same as those who use the products.
  • Posted by khiemnguyen1264 on Author
    In scenario 1, I mentioned that the target respondents are Residents like pure environment, People who is working at city or Campbelltown or Investors
    In scenario 2, I reckon that the people who have been used ambulance service before is target respondents, and non-user.
    in scenario 3, I think that the target respondents are buyers (students, parents, officers, highschooler) and non-buyers
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    "You are the marketing manager ..." and so on and so forth.

    Mystery solved: it's a homework question.

    What work have you already done to help yourself?

    What are your opinions, thoughts, or impressions?

    How large of a sample do YOU think each method needs and what do YOU recommend?

    What supplemental reading or research have you done and what discoveries and conclusions
    have you made or come to on your own?

    What follows may sound brutal BUT, it's designed to help you.

    This is your assignment—, it's not mine, it's not Michael Goodman's, nor is it the assignment
    of any other contributor to this forum. It's yours. If you're stuck, break things down into smaller sections. If you're not alone in your class, get together with your fellow students and brainstorm the scenarios so that you help each other. If you're COMPLETELY at a loss, speak with your tutor or professor and ask for direction and clarification.

    In order for the accolades to be justly deserved the effort in all endeavors in life must be yours,
    not those of other people on an online forum.

    College assignments are designed to help you exercise, develop, and hone YOUR critical thinking processes. They're intended to help you discover the logical pathways that you'll use in the work place to solve simple and complex marketing problems for the people who are paying you for your knowledge and expert opinion.

    As and when you're asked in the workplace to come up with comparable answers to similar—REAL WORLD questions, questions with real outcomes and real money attached to them, what will you do? How will you respond? What results will you generate? How valuable might those results be, both to you, to your employer, or to a real client?

    Come back with your thinking and your insight into elements of the assignment you've been given and perhaps then we'll speak further.

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