
Topic: Taglines/Names

Seeking: Theme For Volunteer Lawyer Fundraiser

Posted by spothier on 125 Points
Hi! We are thinking through themes for our upcoming fundraiser for a volunteer law organization that supports the community and those who cannot afford representation with pro bono assistance in tenants rights, family law and other issues within the community. We hold an annual fundraiser and would like to come up with a "Back-to-School" tagline/theme that can be used each year for recognition of the event. So far we have thought of "Help (our organization name) Make the Grade!" - but we are not sold on that tagline. We are trying to come up with other ways to incorporate our theme throughout the event. for example, giving the sponsors "grades" based on their contributions - i.e. A+ = $1,000 sponsorship; A = $500; B = $250; and $150 = Honor Roll. Any thoughts or ideas would be very appreciated!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: I probably wouldn't assign grades to donation levels. You don't want to demean any donor.)

    I wouldn't connect back-to-school with your fundraiser, since it doesn't sound like the organization is school-related at all. It'll only confuse your messaging.

    For themes: Pro-OrganizationName, Pro-CommunityName, or The Law Free-For-All.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Rather than a cute theme that tries to marry the pro bono legal service with back-to-school and fundraising, I think I'd just stick to the basic need and benefit -- the organization's mission and fundamental reason-for-being.

    What isn't so clear is what the fundraising effort will do for sponsors/donors or the community. What is the need that a sponsor's funds will address? Why should they support the organization? Who gets that money, and what are they going to do with it?
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    The August (name) Fundraiser / The August Fundraiser for (name)

    Summer Blaize Fundraiser

    Fresh Starts

    Back to do Better

  • Posted by lwredell on Accepted
    What about a transition to the fall with something like "Fall In"? There's a play on words opportunity with All In - a way to say you're all in this together to support the local community. Levels could be indicated by a certain color leaf, creating a tree of support with far reaching potential.
    Apples are a fall item, and associated with the school team, and there are really nice glass apples you can order online as gifts for the major donors.
    Family law on the family tree
    Rake it in
    Bushels of support
    There are some clever fall affiliated phrases that have double meanings with fundraising.

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