
Topic: Taglines/Names

Horse Training

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need a name for my business of horse training. I would like to incorporate my initials into it (DMG). I will be training students on barrel racing, jumping, and the basics of riding. I will be working with advanced students. I also like the word renegade but not sure how to incorporate that word into my name. Looking for some ideas. Thanks.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If your name is known for your target audience, then incorporating your name could make sense. For everyone else, the initials don't mean anything which doesn't help your name at all.

    What about the word "renegade" do you like? Are you trying to say your approach is very different from other teachers? Or you work with students who other teachers have a hard time working with?

    What region are you located in?
  • Posted on Author
    In the Midwest, Wisconsin
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I don't get it. What do "DMG" and "renegade" have to do with horse training? Why do you want to limit yourself that way. Good names should communicate the positioning benefit to your target audience -- give them a compelling reason to consider you. DMG certainly doesn't do that. And "renegade" might or might not, depending on what you're really trying to communicate.

    Who exactly is your target audience, and what unique benefit will they realize if/when they become students?

    Aside: How is it possible that your name is Barbara Ekker but your initials are DMG?
  • Posted on Author
    I'm looking for ideas for my daughter.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    DMG Renegade
    "Advanced Horse Training"
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Who exactly is the target audience, and what unique benefit will they realize if/when they become clients? Why should someone in the target audience choose your daughter as their trainer? How is she different from/better than competition?

    If she is serious about this as a business then she needs to first understand the target audience, their needs, values, etc. It's not about doing what SHE wants to do, but about delivering what the target audience wants/needs.

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