
Topic: Branding

Company Name And Niche Positioning Dilemma

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am changing my focus from being a full service web/graphic design agency to become a specialist and having a niche. My positioning is that I specifically help certain types of doctors to get booked solid. I've done market research, interviewed 10-12 and this is a problem that they have. My current brand name is something like this: Black Hawk Media. This doesn't seem to fit with doctors. I don't want to change my company name, but I could go with a new domain name that's more like, or My question is, does it really matter if your company name aligns with your brand name? I've been going back and forth with pros and cons and would be interested in hearing other people's experience with this.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I am a big believer in the power of strong brands to set appropriate expectations and position a product (or service) for maximum impact and relevance to the target audience.

    It shouldn't be surprising, therefore, that I think the brand name is a big deal, and it needs to be as clear and precise as you can make it. You need to communicate who your target audience is and what benefit they can expect when they hire you. (Note: "Consultant" is not a benefit.)

    "Black Hawk Media" (or something like that) is mostly a throw-away when it comes to communicating your positioning, so I definitely wouldn't use that with your new target audience. And "" (or something like that) focuses attention on the fact that your target audience will need to pay you, rather than promising a unique and compelling benefit (i.e., what's in it for them).
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    As a minimum, add a tagline to clarify your specialty. Ideally, create a consistent name that aligns with the needs of your prospective clients.
  • Posted by cookmarketing@gmail. on Accepted
    Both above are correct - you true business opportunity will come from word-of-mouth
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    "If you provide results, no one really cares what you're called." pretty much. Thought this is a choice rather than a dilemma.

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