
Topic: Branding

Is There Negative Effect On Churn Of Changing Branding

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
what are the known effect of branding changes on churn
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Here is a good article.

    I have found most consumers use the terms 'product' and 'brand' synonymously. There are alot of interesting studies that indicate most of the top 25-50 brands have been around for decades.

    Interstestly enough, customer service and customer loyalty are not major factors in retention. Neither are brands released by a parent brand like Pepsi, or Sony. However I think it is worth mentioning that Pepsi and Sony produce products that affect a person's everyday lifestyle, much different than a gimmicky wigdet, or a new flavor of icecream.

    There is almost too much to say without my fingers falling off from typing a novel, but the above article should give you a good idea and a starting point in your research.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I woudl disagree with some of what Jett says, but afterall this is a forum for exchanging ideas!

    Churn or the loss of customer loyalty obviously means that a retention programme needs to be designed or improved.
    Some of the major elements of customer retention are:

    Customer Service
    Product Availability
    Price (unfortunately)
    Publicity (part of the overall personality of a business)
    Image perception

    And all these are direct influence your brand


    Some changes to your brand (brand structure or even your logo) should have limited or no impact on retention and hence churn.

    This is a fascinating subject, and if you want to know more, or need clarity on this arguement, drop me a line

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