
Topic: Research/Metrics

Phd Topic Related To Online Marketing

Posted by sakshi1265 on 250 Points
Hello everyone !
I took admission in phd ..
I am confused regarded my topic
I want to choose somethng related to online marketing but that is a vast topic . Isnt it ?
Can you please suggest what topic should i choose
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    What are you interested in?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Why don't you ask your adviser for topic suggestions?
  • Posted by sakshi1265 on Author
    i am interested in anything related to online marketing but that is a vast topic.. nothiung defined.. so i am looking for your advise to suggest me something related to it
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    As you note, the topic of online marketing is way too broad. Why are you interested in this area? Focus on those aspects that are of greatest interest to you. And the more specific you can be the easier it will be for you to find reliable information. Narrow your focus to a specific industry (or even a specific product/brand), a specific geography, a particular market segment, etc.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    agreeing with the above comments, I propose you follow both the academic and the practitioner way to come up with a good topic. The academic way is to scan the latest publications on online marketing, which are indeed plenty (e.g. each of my last 5 publications, and even better those by Anindya Ghose at NYU) and note their suggestions for future research and your own unsolved questions when reading their papers. The practitioner way is to scan what marketing professionals are struggling with, by e.g. searching this MarketingProfs site, consulting the top research questions of the Marketing Science Institute, etc. Now look at the overlap between the suggested topics: that should give you an online marketing subject deemed important by both marketing practitioners and academics. If you have more than one, consult with your advisor: what can you feasibly research? What is most interesting to the faculty at your university, because their support can help you get the research done...
  • Posted by sakshi1265 on Author
    sir what do you say about scope of topic "social media marketing and tourism sector in india" ?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    That's a big improvement, but you might want to consider being even more focused. "Social media marketing" can mean a lot of different things -- blogs, paid advertising, etc. "Tourism sector" can include airlines, rail, bus, group tours, etc. And India is a big country. Are you dealing with tourism within India, to India from other countries (which ones), to other countries from India, to specific destinations? B2B or B2C? (Advertising to travel agents?)
  • Posted by sakshi1265 on Author
    sir i would finalise the inside parameter once i go through few researches already done .
    i dnt know what research methodology should be adopted .
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Another potential strategy to narrow down your topic: begin by identifying several organizations you might eventually hope to work for. Research what they are doing currently in social marketing. And then contact them and ask what their current challenges are. If you choose a topic of interest to them, they will probably be interested in meeting with you after graduation to review your findings. This could offer a great opportunity to develop contacts and explore job openings.
  • Posted by sakshi1265 on Author
    thanks for your reply sir .
    But i have to go for lectureship in future so that has no relation to this topic
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    How will your acquisition of a Ph. D help or further the world or discipline of marketing? What, SPECIFICALLY is it WITHIN marketing that appeals to you in terms of interest, contribution, and specialism?

    Without knowing ANYTHING about you, your interests, your studies thus far, or where you see yourself three, five, and ten years from now, NO ONE on this forum can offer you advice. They can offer opinion, but that's not helpful.

    What discussions have you have with your college advisors? In what will you lecture, to whom, and with what degrees of authenticity, understanding, and prominence? What qualifies you to lecture students? What real world, practical, hands on experience can you draw from and use to help those you seek to lecture? How will any long term research you do help the world of marketing?

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