Although he claims to be a sales rather than marketing guru, Michael Dunne provides practical advice to fellow forum members. Read on to learn more about this active participant.

Where are you based?

Chicago area, USA

What do you do in real-life?

Probably more of a sales guy than marketing guy.

How did you find KHE?

A long time ago I answered a Marketing Profs survey that was forwarded to me by a friend. About a year later I was googling for some data and came across it. I read the newsletter for years before I started to add my 2 cents.

What kinds of KHE questions do you enjoy most?

I really enjoy the SOHO questions because entrepreneurs are excited about what they're doing and it comes across in the way they ask.

How many years have you been in marketing? How did you get started?

Essentially since 1980. I was a sales rep for Metropolitan Insurance (this is long before Snoopy was the mascot) and the company did absolutely no marketing. I was forced to create some of my own stuff. Mostly failures but a few that I learned from anyway.

Did you study marketing in college? Or have you learned on the job?

Learned on the job. I have a Biology Degree.

Describe one of your non-marketing hobbies or interests.

I enjoy reading but really only non-fiction. The only departure from that is science fiction.

What is the value KHE provides to you personally?

It really gives me the opportunity to think what I would do in a particular situation. In my head I answer most of the questions. Only a few do I respond to.

Have you made any offline connections with people you met in KHE?

Not yet

Do you have any advice for new members of KHE?

Yes. Plunge in with your ideas and read answers to other questions. The top 25 contributors are a wealth of knowledge and you may find and answer to a future problem long before it appears.

Do you have a favorite quote you want to share?

"Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days it will return to you"---King Solomon

Is there anything else you would like to say to the community?

I really appreciate the restraint everyone shows when questions border on the ridiculous.

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Carrie Shearer is a writer and researcher who has been published in the European Wall Street Journal and other global publications.  Before embarking on her second, or is it third career, Carrie spent 25 years in the international petroleum industry, most of it overseas.