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MarketingProfs Leadership

MarketingProfs' leadership also reflects the "Profs" union of professors and business professionals, bringing together experienced executives from publishing, technology, academia and (of course) marketing.

  • Allen Weiss, Founder and CEO

    Allen Weiss, Founder and CEO

    Allen founded MarketingProfs in 2000 and continues to provide strategic direction for the company. He’s currently a Professor of Marketing at the University of Southern California. Prior to MarketingProfs, he served as a professor at Stanford University and a member of the technical staff at Bell Labs. His research and consulting expertise is in the marketing of high technology products and Internet marketing. He has consulted with leading technology companies, including Texas Instruments, Intel, IBM, and Hughes Space and Communications. Allen holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a PhD in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin.

    Twitter: @allenweiss
    LinkedIn: AllenMWeiss

  • Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer

    Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer

    Ann heads up all of the content at MarketingProfs. She’s a 25-year veteran of creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organizations and individuals, and the co-author of Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business (Wiley, Late 2010). Ann has a passion for building community, particularly in using new media tools to broaden and build value. Previously, Ann was the co-founder of, one of the first sources of interactive marketing news and commentary. Prior to that, she spent 12 years as a business editor and writer for both local and national trade and consumer publications, including the Boston Globe. She holds a BA from Simmons College, Boston.

    Twitter: @marketingprofs
    LinkedIn: AnnHandley

  • Aaron Lorentz, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer

    Aaron Lorentz, Executive Vice President and CTO

    Aaron plans and implements strategic direction for MarketingProfs technology and services, as well as manages the software and database architecture, development, and operations across all of the MarketingProfs properties. An entrepreneur and senior executive with a strong focus on strategic planning, tactical analysis, and management of technology and operations, he brings more than 29 years of technical and business experience to MarketingProfs. Aaron is heavily involved in the planning and implementation of core business initiatives, including SaaS, online training, content marketing, conversion optimization and mobile application development. Prior to MarketingProfs, he worked with organizations such as GE, MBNA, Bank of America, South Jersey Healthcare, Association for Consumer Research (University of Minnesota Duluth), and the University of Southern California.

    Twitter: @alorentz
    LinkedIn: alorentz

  • Valerie Witt, Vice President, Team Training Solutions

    Valerie Witt, Vice President, Professional Development Solutions

    Valerie leads Professional Development Solutions, which includes PRO Membership, MarketingProfs University and MarketingProfs Research. With 29 years in the publishing industry, Valerie is passionate about creating high-quality content. She believes in data-driven decision making: leveraging analytics and customer interviews to stay on top of the changing information needs of members. Before joining MarketingProfs in 2003, Valerie led the online content and community development team for a GMAC Relocation business delivering culture information to expatriate families. Before that she cut her teeth on business journalism on the editorial teams of industry trade magazines Workforce (for human resources professionals) and Registered Representative (for stockbrokers). Valerie holds a BA in English from The Ohio State University and an MBA from the University of Southern California.

    Twitter: @valerie_witt
    LinkedIn: ValerieWitt

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