Contributed by Mike McLaughlin

  • The Trouble With Elevator Speeches

    The elevator speech is that tightly scripted, 30-second introduction that should pack as much information about a person as possible ...

  • Account Management as a Marketing Investment: A Lesson From the Airlines

    From the time you book an airline flight until that plane lands, your pecking order in the airline's customer hierarchy ...

  • The Four Myths of Professional Services Marketing

    For decades, professional service providers—including consultants, accountants, lawyers and others—were reluctant marketers. They thrived in a cozy world where networks ...

  • Why Not Guarantee Professional Services?

    Professional services marketing literature is full of claims about the quality of offerings and dedication to client results. Without a ...

  • The Worst Thing About Best Practices

    Few "tools" are more widely abused these days than so-called best practices. It's no wonder that most banks, supermarkets, airlines, ...

  • How to Keep Any Project on Track

    You might call it the project from hell, the death march or the one that ended up in the ditch. ...

  • Six Strategies to Get Paid What You're Worth

    Clients and consultants alike usually dread fee discussions. Here are six strategies to help you preserve your profit margins and ...

  • Rules for Rainmakers

    Many wonder how a rainmaker reels in so much business while others can only shake their heads in amazement. Some ...

  • How to Write a Killer Proposal

    The consulting proposal is a necessary evil. A great proposal can be decisive in winning a project; a poor one ...