Contributed by Justin Talerico

  • Moving From Data to Action

    Your site visitors are not one big herd of cattle moving from Point A to Point B. So to optimize ...

  • Give the Gorilla the Banana

    Have you heard the concept of “giving the gorilla the banana”? In post-click marketing, the gorilla is the audience ...

  • Which Type of Landing Experience is Right for You?

    The type of landing experience that’s best for you depends on the situation. Check out these guidelines to make sense ...

  • Lead Generation Tactics Based on Prospect 'Temperature'

    When you’re in the trenches of post-click marketing, it’s easy to forget the relationship of what you’re doing to the ...

  • Offer Alternatives to Identify Your Best Prospects

    The art of aligning your strategic objectives with the needs within your clickstream is critical to targeting your message and ...

  • Segmented Audiences are 4X More Valuable

    Segmentation is immensely valuable. Behavioral targeting of ads is hot because—surprise, surprise—when you give people more relevant messaging and content, ...

  • Why Segment Respondents?

    Pre-conversion segmentation offers you a chance to learn far more than what you can learn after conversion because you're dealing ...

  • Where Post-Click Marketing Fits in the Picture

    Why is so much effort put into the pre-click piece and so little effort put into the post-click piece? It's ...