Look around any office these days, and it's likely that you'll see freelance workers—or at least see some of their work, even if they're located elsewhere and are working remotely.

But not all freelancers have the same work structure. If you're hiring one, it's helpful to understand the different types. And if you are one, it's important to know how you want to use your skills.

Earlier this year, LinkedIn ProFinder partnered with Intuit to create an animated infographic that explains five types of freelancers: Side Giggers, Substituters, Career Freelancers, Business Builders, and Passionistas.

The graphic defines differences between each type, such as what motivates them and how satisfied they are with their work, as well as the percentage of their total incomes generated by their current gigs.

To see more about the five types of freelancers and which might be best for you, check out the infographic:

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Five Faces of the Gig Economy [Animated Infographic]

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image of Laura Forer

Laura Forer is a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She's an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.