More than 40.5 million speakers of Spanish reside in the US, making it the country's second most common language, according to an infographic by MotionPoint.

In the infographic, the company, provider of a turnkey solution for multilingual websites, explores the opportunities that the presence of Spanish-speakers affords US marketers.

For instance, the combined purchasing power of US Hispanics was $1.4 trillion in 2016, accounting for 10% of the US total.

That's a big opportunity for companies, and some are already on board, such as Amazon, which offers a Spanish-language version of its site for US customers.

To see more about Hispanic and Spanish-language growth on the Web, check out the infographic. Just tap or click to see a larger version:

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Spanish in the US: An Opportunity for Marketers [Infographic]

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image of Laura Forer

Laura Forer is a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She's an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.