Tradeshows generally cost a lot of money and time. They are massive marketing investments that are worth getting right.

And when you do get them right, tradeshows can do more than just help sell your products or services (although they can be pretty good for that, too). They can help raise awareness of your brand and create long-term connections with customers.

So what's the right plan for a tradeshow? How do you stick out among other vendors?

This infographic by US Event Management offers 16 tips for tradeshows and can help make your tradeshow experience a success.

Check out the tips in the infographic below:

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16 Planning Tips for Tradeshow Success [Infographic]

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image of Laura Forer

Laura Forer is a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She's an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.