Level Up Your Event Platform Capabilities

In-person? Digital? Hybrid? It's critical to pick the right format to meet both your audience's needs and your business objectives.

However, 55% of businesses struggle with capturing the right attendee data at their events, and 75% are unable to assess the impact of their events. Without quality first-person data, organizations are challenged to meet team and business goals.

For better event results, event leaders must take a more holistic approach to their event strategy. Discover the business trends and opportunities driving today's events so you can make informed decisions for your next event strategy.

In this report you'll learn how to:

  • Select the optimal event type—virtual, in-person, or hybrid—based on your business objectives
  • Simplify your martech stack to improve first-party data collection from events
  • Choose event platforms that optimize the creation of innovative blends of physical and digital experiences
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  • Release Date: July 10, 2023
  • Sponsor: Cvent
  • Topic: Customer Experience, Event Marketing, Martech
  • Price: $0


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Cvent is the event platform that marketers use to maximize results from their event channel. From in-person events to webinars and virtual events, Cvent makes it easy to reach large audiences, engage attendees, capture data, and act on attendee insights so that you can amplify your event ROI.