Is your expense account occasionally a source of income?...

Have you ever walked into a conference through an unattended the door and billed your company for the admission? Did you leave one firm and take your clients with you?
These are the sort of issues .... some clear-cut, some ethical hair-splitting .... that my pal BL Ochman is now blogging about on the newly launched Ethics Crisis. As the "Chief Blogging Officer" for SRF Global Translations, she writes opinion and news about global business ethics.
The best part of the site is the "ethics confessions": Readers are invited to anonymously confess the most unethical thing they've ever done in business, and to comment on and rate the confessions of others on a scale of one to five from "always acceptable" to "never acceptable."

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Skimming Petty Cash (and Other Confessions)

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image of Ann Handley

Ann Handley is a Wall Street Journal best-selling author who recently published Everybody Writes 2. She speaks worldwide about how businesses can escape marketing mediocrity to ignite tangible results. IBM named her one of the 7 people shaping modern marketing. Ann is the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs, a LinkedIn Influencer, a keynote speaker, mom, dog person, and writer.