As a copywriter, I'm particularly interested in names. Some I love, such as "Amazon" or "Starbucks," for their evocative quality. Some I hate (imagine what you will here) and some leave me just plain puzzled. Why is it, for example, that hair salons are especially prone to bad puns such as "The Clip Joint," or "Hair and Now"? (I suspect that most of these could be more aptly named, "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow.")

In my own neck of the woods, the Metro Boston area, there are plenty of head-scratching monikers to go around. Why is it, for instance, that so many roast beef sandwich shops are "famous" -- or at least they say so? I hired a PI to look into the situation. You can see the results below:

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Tim Jackson rarely writes about himself in the third person, so he is going to take the opportunity to do that now. Tim is a bike geek, first and foremost. This geekdom has taken Tim to the helm of a small, but respected bicycle brand- Masi Bicycles. This has proven to be Tim's dream job and has given him the chance to experiment with previously unconventional methods of marketing, such as blogging and other social networking, to try and reestablish the name and reputation of his beloved Masi brand. In the past year, Tim has been very lucky to meet and learn from many different marketing professionals who have been kind enough to validate some of his marketing ideas and embolden him to keep pushing ahead. Tim is a battle hardened marketer, educated by the school of hard knocks, as opposed to any professionally accredited institution... which is a bummer because that would probably get him a better paying gig somewhere. Tim will likely be a somewhat infrequent contributor here because he keeps his hands pretty busy fighting in the trenches each day, but he'll stick his head out in the air long enough to fire off some half-baked theories from time to time. He apologizes in advance, just for the record.