No marketer is going to be surprised by the power of video. Video brings personality, authenticity, warmth, layered information, and immediacy that text and still images can't match. No wonder 72% of enterprises use video for marketing, according to Kaltura's The State of Video in the Enterprise 2016 survey (email required).

But just because we marketers know we need video doesn't mean that we're using it to its full potential

Are you taking advantage of the power of video at every stage of the marketing funnel? If not, you're leaving conversions on the table.

Before You Get Started

You can, and should, incorporate video as a full-fledged data type and channel within your marketing flow—at every stage of the marketing funnel. Integrate video into your marketing automation system so you can track your video analytics and get proper insight from your video marketing. Score leads based on their interaction with your videos, measure how long they are watching and how they are engaging with the content, and provide this valuable data to the sales team.

Video in the Awareness Stage

At the top of the marketing funnel, you're trying to generate some awareness of your company in the market. You're trying to let people know not only that your company exists but also that there's a problem your product or service helps solve.

Advertising and viral videos tend to get the bulk of the attention at this stage, but don't let that limit you. Also key is to maximize video views and exposure, so go broad: Create how-to videos centered on your products, run webinars addressing topics of general interest, create videos that show off your company culture.

  • Add video to your blog. It's fun and engaging. Just make sure your video player branding fits your overall branding, and includes enough metadata for search engines to be able to pick up the content.
  • Authenticity sells like nothing else, so consider giving your employees video-creation tools they can use to showcase, in their own unique way, both your company and its products. You'd be surprised how much great content can come from the most unexpected departments and groups in your company.
  • Create a channel where you can display user-generated content (moderated, of course) for your fans and supporters.

Video in the Engagement Stage

They've heard of you; now you need to get them interested so you can convert leads into sales opportunities. Here's an opportunity for more detailed thought leadership and in-depth webinars.

  • Get on-the-fly interviews at tradeshows and company events. You might even want to experiment with streaming live video.
  • Presentations add up fast. Make your videos discoverable by captioning them for in-video search; better yet, use a capture tool that leaves presentation slides searchable.
  • Host a virtual event. It's hard to get people from around the world in one room, so for the in-person touch—without the travel and catering bills—use webcasting to run a virtual summit.

Video in the Nurture Stage

Some customers take a while to make a decision, and some might just not be at a place where they're ready to buy when they first hear of you. Keep the lead warm with a steady campaign. And that's where video insights become key: Make sure you're piquing interest, not wearing them out. Bring on the case studies and client testimonials, and a steady drip campaign.

  • Make sure your videos are well received by making them enjoyable and interactive. Include calls to action within the video itself. Create branching videos that let the user choose what comes next. You can even create video quizzes.
  • Keep an eye on your metrics. If people stop watching a video early, that means you may be at risk of alienating your audience. Adjust your video content based on how viewers are responding to it.

Video in the Active-Sales Stage

They're ready to buy! Are they going to choose you? Make sure your sales team has the best possible tools to close that deal. You need great product demos, of course, but sales videos can go well beyond that. Make sure your sales rep knows which videos each prospect has watched, to give the rep context and full insight into the prospect's areas of interest.

  • Help your sales team build customized video sales pitches, and give them easy video capture tools so they can send video follow-ups to prospects.
  • Consider the video RFP! How else can you show what your product looks like in action?
  • Rolling out a new pitch? Consider using a video to train your sales team on the latest messaging.

Video for Customer Retention

The relationship doesn't end with the sale. Make sure you keep up steady engagement so your customers not only come back but also spread the word for you—and keep coming back for more. All that great content—webinars, virtual events, case studies? Create some with your current customers in mind, too, so they know you care about keeping them up to date on the latest developments and techniques.

  • Welcome new customers on board! Whether a video thank you from the CEO or a personalized greeting from their account manager, people enjoy feeling like they're establishing a personal relationship.
  • Consider both live and on-demand customer training videos. It's a more efficient, effective way for people to learn.
  • Invite customers to share their experiences with other customers with their own how-tos, so they can learn from each other and feel part of a bigger community.

As marketers, we're used to going the extra mile. Video has the power to amplify that extra effort. It's time to experiment with the next level of video.

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Video Marketing That Goes Down the Funnel, Not Down the Drain

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image of Lisa Bennett

Lisa Bennett is vice-president of marketing at Kaltura, which powers video experiences for organizations across the globe, including media companies, telcos, enterprises, and educational institutions.

LinkedIn: Lisa Bennett