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A picture's worth a thousand words, but interactive content says even more than static images.

Let's explore the power of visual content.

Let's also look at the benefits it offers your business presentations and lecture materials and the value of its use in the learning process.

Most of Us Are Visual Learners

Evidence suggests that 65% of people are visual learners, and almost all of us engage better with content that includes visual elements. Visual learners rely on imagery to process and retain information. Visuals bring an additional component of engagement and add value to any learning material, going beyond what can be communicated via speech and written text.

The value of visual content is greater than many of us think: Research shows the brain can process images thousands of times faster than text. It's not difficult to imagine its value, therefore, in marketing and business when your core message can be communicated effectively and quickly.

People's attention spans are short, and the more you can give them in a short amount of time, the better. For example, 90% of online shoppers consider video helpful in the buying process, and 75% of executives assert they watch videos relating to their work at least weekly.

If you have a message to get across, a subject to teach or a story to tell, visual content is a valuable tool to do this.

The Power of Visual Storytelling

Communications are more visually driven than ever. They can make or break your presentations and bring content to life. Forrester Research suggests that one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words, which indicates just how powerful visual content can be. Moreover, that effect is compounded when visuals are transformed into a story.

Visual storytelling is an effective strategy for using visual content to tell a narrative. Visual storytelling should elicit an emotional response while educating the audience or driving them toward a particular opinion, product, or service.

Visual storytelling can be powerfully demonstrated in a single piece of content, such as an infographic, or in a series, such as short videos or content across different social media platforms. Visual storytelling gives value to your content and helps capture an audience's interest much more effectively than simple text or basic instructions.

The right software and tools allow you to transform the key parts of a story into something visual and engaging.

Why Interactive Content?

Interactive, high-quality content is suitable for various purposes, including...

  • Interactive images
  • Beautiful presentations
  • Infographics
  • Visuals for reports
  • Social media assets
  • Personal branding materials

Animations and interactivity bring statistics and figures to life, adding interest and engagement to every asset you create. As a result, you can transform the most banal and "boring" information into an attractive, engaging, and high-value piece of content you can share easily with your chosen audience.

Interactivity brings real value to your content, and you don't need to start from scratch: Templates exist to help guide the creative process—whether you're teaching or building a new brand identity.

There are many benefits to interactive content:

User Involvement

Your audience becomes an active participant in your content. Viewers can actively engage and explore the information you provide. They take the leading role in the communication experience, and the right software ensures the content is organized effectively, leading the audience along the correct path.


You can show off a wide range of media. With the right tools, you can bring the enriched digital content you produce to life with additional elements from Google Maps to YouTube videos and Twitter feeds to Typeforms. A wide range of external media—including audio—can be integrated with your content to further enhance it.


There is no better way of organizing and directing your audience through your content than with animations. Animated features bring your content to life but also make it easy to prioritize your ideas and guide your audience through your content, ensuring they recognize key points and essential elements.


Again, the right tool will allow you to collaborate with as many people as you like on content creation—from brainstorming to a finished, truly collaborative piece of content. Today, that approach necessitates working in the Cloud. In addition, where finished work and works-in-progress are stored there—and changes are auto-saved.

The Future of Content

Audiences want content with which they can interact and engage. That is the case both in the world of work and in educational environments.

Genially is an online tool that allows you to create visual and interactive personalized content with ease. The features ensure you can create engaging, high-quality content for your business's marketing and branding needs. Simply choose your template from the extensive range of available options—from presentations and gamification to training materials—and start creating now for free.

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High-Quality Interactive Content: The Future of Visual Storytelling

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Launched in 2015, Genially is an online tool for creating interactive and animated content. With Genially, anyone can create incredible communication experiences easily, quickly, and for free. The creation types available include presentations, infographics, interactive images, maps, quizzes, resumes and calendars. Given its versatility, the tool excels in both corporate and educational contexts.