When using Facebook apps, only 28% of people prefer to view standard banner ads, whereas 72% prefer viewing immersive and integrated ads—those that offer virtual rewards or currency, or interactive video ads that occur during natural breaks in an app or game—according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of MediaBrix:

The study explores consumers' shifting preferences in media consumption, particularly in light of trends in social gaming, and mobile and online video consumption.

Below, additional findings from Harris Interactive and MediaBrix study.

When using mobile apps, only 40% of smartphone owners prefer to view standard banner ads, whereas 60% prefer immersive and integrated ad units:

Video Ads in Social, Mobile Apps

Similarly, the study underscores the importance of in-app video ads not preempting apps use:

  • 37% of Facebook app users prefer to be shown pre-roll ads in Facebook apps, whereas 63% prefer to either initiate the video ad or have it shown during a natural break in the game or app.
  • 38% of smartphone owners prefer to be shown pre-roll video ads in mobile apps, whereas 62% prefer either to initiate the video ad or have it shown during a natural break in the game or app.

Ad-Supported vs. Paid Apps

Users would rather be shown ads that pay for an app: 87% of Facebook app users and 61% of smartphone owners say they prefer free apps versus apps they would have to pay for.

Acknowledging that app developers need to generate revenues, 83% of Facebook app users who prefer free apps say they'd opt for an ad-supported app, whereas 17% would favor in-app purchases such as virtual currency.

Moreover, among those opposed to paid mobile apps, 88% prefer ads, whereas 12% prefer in-app purchases.

Consumers are rapidly adopting Facebook apps and mobile apps, according to the study:

  • 33% of Facebook's one billion users say they have used an app on Facebook in the past 12 months.
  • 65% of Facebook app users say they have played a game on Facebook in the past 12 months.

"These survey findings confirm standard online banners and pre-roll video ads won't cut it in today's highly social and mobile world," said Ari Brandt, CEO, MediaBrix. "If social and mobile platforms aren't running interactive ads to achieve consumer engagement, then they are missing a huge opportunity to monetize with Fortune 500 marketing dollars."

*Immersive and integrated ad units include those that offer people virtual rewards or currency and interactive video ads that occur during natural breaks in the app or game.

About the data: Harris Interactive conducted an online survey in the US on behalf of MediaBrix among 2,236 US adults age 18 and older, July 23-25, 2012.

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Facebook and Mobile App Users Prefer Interactive Ads

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