
Topic: Strategy

Tradeshow Marketing In 2011

Posted by dstrand on 250 Points
B-to-B tradeshow marketing is evolving. What integrated techniques are you having success with?
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  • Posted by cmeyers on Accepted
    The operative word is “engagement.” It’s been one of the keywords at EXHIBITOR2011 going on now in Las Vegas. Engaging your target audience at a trade show calls for an array of communications tools and techniques that include advertising, email marketing, media relations, public relations, and social media. Add to this engagement at your exhibit with booth activities that inform, educate and entertain. Through pre-show communications and at-show engagement, you can identify those attendees that are open to a sustained follow-up after the show is over. One of the critical elements to success is how much you know about your target audience. The more you know the more focused you can be with these tools. Our CMO has an article on Marketing Profs that delves into some of these issues:
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Ruth Stevens is the grand master of trade show marketing. And she has written a book on the subject too. My suggestion is that you pick up a copy of the book. You can peek at the table of contents here:

    Also, Ruth has delivered a seminar on Trade Show Effectiveness for MarketingProfs. See:

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