
Topic: Strategy

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Outsourcing By Lms

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
what are the strategic advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing product development by the learning management system providers to india?
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  • Posted by Markitek on Accepted
    As a member of a Board of Adivsors of an LMS company, my view is that the strategic advantages far outweigh disadvantages . . .

    India has high education standards, a lot of available talent, and unrealistically low expectations of what they should charge--so you can find good inexpensive work.

    Disadvantages are primarly communications-based, simply because they are so remote and you have timezones to fight with.

    I would give a more cautious answer were you in the content space, but in the LMS space it's not a bad way to go.

    You have to make sure you find a good outfit, but that's done through references.

    Read here to get a broader view.
  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Moderator
    Hello all. I am closing this question since it's more than 2 weeks old. We do this to reward the contributions of participants in a timely manner + to give increased visibility to the newer questions.

    Thanks for participating!

    Val (Moderator)

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