Frequently Asked Marketing Question

How often should you email a contact in your email database B2B?


When it comes to emailing contacts in your B2B database, it is important to strike a balance between staying in touch and not overwhelming them with too many emails. The frequency of emails should depend on the type of relationship you have with the contact and the type of content you are sending.

For contacts that you have a strong relationship with, such as customers or partners, it is generally recommended to send emails at least once a month. This will help keep your brand top-of-mind and ensure that they are aware of any new products or services you may be offering.

For contacts that you have a less established relationship with, such as prospects or leads, it is generally recommended to send emails no more than once every two weeks. This will help ensure that they do not become overwhelmed by too many emails from your company and will give them time to digest the content you are sending.

Finally, for contacts that you have just added to your database, it is generally recommended to wait at least two weeks before sending any emails. This will give them time to become familiar with your brand and will help ensure that they do not unsubscribe from your list due to receiving too many emails too quickly.