In the new world of work, your reputation is the only accepted currency. Whether you're looking to move up the corporate ladder at your current organization, find a position at another company, make a major career change, or start your own enterprise, you'll no longer be hunting for your next position. Instead, opportunities will come to you.

Colleagues, hiring managers, clients, and recruiters will use Google and their social and professional networks to find out about you and reach you.
To thrive in this new environment, you need to identify your personal assets and clearly communicate your unique value promise. That's why I jumped at the chance to speak with William Arruda, co-author of the book Career Distinction, at the MarketingProfs conference in Chicago, where he gave a keynote speech.
I hope you enjoy –

About William
William Arruda is an executive coach, public speaker and author. He combines his 20 years' corporate branding experience, passion for human potential, and avid pursuit of innovation to help professionals stand out and expand their success. He is the founder of Reach, the global leader in personal branding, and co-founder of the Reach Branding Club. JPMorgan, Disney, Adobe, Microsoft, Warner Bros, British Telecom, Electronic Arts and Starwood Hotels are just a few of the corporate clients for whom he's delivered presentations and workshops on the transformative power of personal branding. William has appeared on BBC TV, the Discovery Channel, and Radio America. A sought-after spokesperson on career advancement, he has written for and contributed to the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Time magazine, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times and many other publications throughout the world. He holds a master's degree in education.

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Career Distinction, a Podcast with Author William Arruda

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Paul Dunay is director of global field and interactive marketing for Bearing Point (