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  • The focus of this episode? Two terms: "revenue marketing" and "credibility gap"—i.e., how do you let your digital visitors know that you're the real deal?

  • To help sort through the many options available on the market, TopRank Marketing created this infographic covering more than 30 of the best generative AI tools for B2B marketers.

  • B2B leaders say their firms have increasingly been using customer relationship management (CRM) systems as centralized communications hubs for nurturing leads, according to recent research from SugarCRM.

  • Are martech tools being replaced more or less in 2023 compared with previous years? Which types of tools are being replaced the most? To find out, MarTech surveyed 443 marketers in the second quarter of 2023.

  • Decision-makers who work for companies that do not plan to increase their investment in generative AI tools such as ChatGPT in the near future say they have a range of concerns about the technology, according to recent research from Lucidworks.

  • The size of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry is expected to grow 214% this decade. That's just one of the stats covered in this infographic from Vena.

  • Small business owners who are using AI and automation for marketing say the technologies are helping them in many ways, including to improve efficiency and boost growth, according to recent research from Constant Contact and Ascend2.

  • This infographic covers the growth of AI, why the idea of it being "human-free" is a myth, and how its potential can be fully unlocked with help from people.

  • All the hype surrounding the metaverse might seem like a good incentive for marketers to just jump on the bandwagon and try anything, follow trends, see what sticks. But that's not the way to go.

  • Which artificial intelligence tools are searched for the most online? Which tools get the highest ratings from users and have the most social media followers? To find out, researchers at Tipalti looked at data from March and April, 2023.

  • In today's fast-paced digital world, keeping up with media trends is essential for businesses to stay relevant and competitive. This article covers seven trends that are particularly relevant for CMOs.

  • Your data-driven marketing is only as good as your data. Clean rooms can be a useful resource, but only if the data shared in them follows certain standards.

  • Digital transformation can't be done all at once or off the cuff. Adopting automation and new martech must be a deliberate process that ensures business success while prioritizing the right tech.

  • Losing third-party data as a source of customer information will be a challenge. But it could be an excellent opportunity to recharge your customer relationships.

  • Companies today must embrace digitizing nearly every aspect of their business to ensure compelling, engaging, and valuable digital buyer journeys. That is, no doubt, a monumental task. But there is a path forward.

  • This infographic looks at the dangers of dirty data, the different types of dirty data, and the steps you should take to clean your data.

  • Data privacy standards have complicated the process of obtaining reliable customer data. Are clean rooms here to save the day? Maybe, maybe not... but they can certainly help.

  • A lot of the talk about Web 3.0 has been focused on commodities, such as NFTs and game tokens. However, the technology does present opportunities for B2B marketers—in a surprising number of ways.

  • Most Americans say they are concerned about the impact artificial intelligence could have on jobs and society, though most also say they haven't yet used generative AI programs such as ChatGPT, according to recent research from Ipsos.

  • This infographic looks at what Cloud outages are, why they happen, and what the impact can be on your business.