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  • The first-ever Magic Quadrant for customer data platforms by Gartner signifies a milestone in the maturation and essentiality of CDPs within the martech ecosystem. In a data-centric, customer-first marketplace, CDPs have become a strategic imperative.

  • Chief marketing officers at B2B enterprise companies say the biggest technology challenge they face is integrating various solutions effectively, according to recent research from Modern.

  • In a special presentation, Kenda Macdonald, author of the bestselling Hack the Buyer Brain, explains the marketing crimes we often unwittingly commit—and how AI can help us escape the fiery depths. Read more and watch a clip.

  • To help make sense of smorgasbord of digital marketing solutions available today, Smart Insights created an infographic covering top tool recommendations for 2024.

  • Discover the power of personalization in B2B marketing. Learn how personalization tech, tools, and tactics can transform campaigns and boost customer engagement and conversions. Read more.

  • A pivotal shift in programmatic advertising is long due as enhanced measurement practices challenge the traditional ad stack and reshape the economics of programmatic. Learn more.

  • Which features do users consider essential in a content management system (CMS)? Which features do they wish their CMS had? Which CMS trends are they interested in pursuing?

  • Demonstrating the link between investment in PR/corporate communications and business outcomes has always been hard. But proving value is getting easier. Here's what you need to know.

  • In an age when every digital interaction by potential buyers leaves a trace, salestech can help sellers and marketers harness a wealth of data. As a result, customization, at scale, is both possible and necessary.

  • In the race to build bigger and better solutions, martech vendors have ended up with so much "extra stuff" in their products that doing even basic work has become difficult. The result for marketers: frustration and wasted time. What can be done?

  • When businesses use chatbots, they improve engagement, lead generation, and customer experience. But what, exactly, can chatbots do for marketers? Here are the top 5 benefits.

  • CDP and CEP objectives overlap, but their primary functions differ. This article highlights the roles of CEPs and CDPs, real-world use cases, and ways they enable customer-centric strategies.

  • The explosive growth in martech solutions, once fueled by an era of easy capital, now faces a stark reality-check. What's next? And how can marketers decide what should go in their tech stack?

  • B2B leaders say the most common reasons sales technologies don't meet their expectations are because of internal organizational issues rather than issues with the solutions themselves, according to recent research.

  • Are B2B and B2C firms adopting generative AI tools for marketing at the same rate? How does generative AI use differ among firms in different countries?

  • Marketers are well aware that artificial intelligence and the metaverse have the potential to be transformational technologies. What's less well known is that these powerful tools are incredibly demanding on the datasphere.

  • Some 88% of MBA grads say they feel current MBA programs need to be updated for the digital era, according to a recent survey.

  • Marketers say a wide range of data-related activities now take up their time, including collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data, according to recent research from Funnel.

  • A customer data platform compiles data from multiple internal sources, resulting in a central database that offers a 360-degree view of customers. Here's how to ensure you pick the solution that's right for your business.

  • How are artificial intelligence and automation affecting marketing operations at large businesses? To find out, Algomarketing surveyed 300 global marketing leaders who work for firms with 10,000 or more employees.