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  • Learn how generative AI is about to revolutionize search with conversational queries and creative search responses, challenging traditional SEO strategies. Start preparing for the future.

  • AI has made a serious impact on the video creation and production world, offering new ways to create high-quality videos faster than ever. Tyler Lessard (video marketing strategist) uncovers the roles AI plays in today’s video creation and shares his favorite tools to make better video content faster.

  • Sometimes, it can feel like a real slog to make a decent video. But new AI tools are here to assist! Discover the AI tools that help you create social media videos, corporate promos, and more. From concept to completion, create and edit high-quality videos faster than ever with AI.

  • Generative AI is undeniably having an impact on every facet of business (and our lives), and that certainly includes marketing. For marketers, adapting to and embracing genAI is not just an option, it's a necessity.

  • In the new year, one thing is clear: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of the marketing conversation. As we move further into 2024, the marketing landscape will be shaped by four trends.

  • AI is democratizing design. Today, non-designer marketers can use AI to generate graphics and layouts—and designers can work faster than ever. Jared Williams (AI Consultant at Campfire Glow) shares how to apply generative AI-based design to your projects, improving design operations efficiency.

  • Brand monitoring is about understanding public sentiment toward your brand across various platforms, including social media, forums, and reviews. With the advent of AI, however, that task is set to become more complex—yet more insight-laden.

  • Do marketers tell stakeholders when they use artificial intelligence tools to create content? How often are marketers using AI to create content?

  • Caught between the demands to maximize campaign ROI with personalized messages—while respecting the privacy of your audience? Discover how to overcome those challenges (and more) to create hyperpersonalized campaigns with best-in-breed marketing applications and AI tools. Sponsored by Snowflake.

  • It seems like there's a new AI tool every week. But is it worth your time? And what tools should you be looking at? Katie Robbert (CEO of Trust Insights) walks you through the 5P framework to assess your needs, shares the most common use cases for AI, and helps you select the right tools for your marketing toolkit.

  • Is artificial intelligence more creative than marketers when developing content? Does AI-generated content tend to be of higher or lower quality compared with human-created content?

  • The bad news is that marketing isn't going to get any easier in 2024. The good news is that your marketing output is sure to improve if you use these three predictions to work both smarter and harder in the new year. See what's ahead...

  • Get a complete framework for AI-backed digital content marketing! Andy Crestodina (founder of Orbit Media Studios) has experimented with AI for more than 100 hours, and he's revealing everything he's learned. Generate marketing images, emails, blog posts, and more with Andy's AI tips and tools.

  • What's next for B2B? Register now for the 2024 Marketing Trends Friday Forum and hear what three top industry experts have to say about what lies ahead. Sponsored by Vidyard.

  • Advanced AI. First-party data. Retail media. And Taylor Swift's marketing secret! Discover how to tap into today's biggest marketing trends. You'll grow your business and position yourself as a future-focused marketer. Free session from the AI for Digital Marketers series, sponsored by Salesforce.

  • Are B2B and B2C firms adopting generative AI tools for marketing at the same rate? How does generative AI use differ among firms in different countries?

  • The world as we know it changed dramatically in 2023—generative AI's breakout year. So, what have we learned in the past year from the AI whiplash rollercoaster ride? Trends, takeaways, advice... it's all here.

  • Explore the intriguing concept of using AI to create your very own Digital Doppelgänger, and discover how and when to use your creation by applying an AI Decision Matrix, with this episode's guest, Andrew Davis.

  • Marketers are well aware that artificial intelligence and the metaverse have the potential to be transformational technologies. What's less well known is that these powerful tools are incredibly demanding on the datasphere.

  • Even the most seasoned social media marketers struggle with creating a constant stream of high-quality content. Burnout and inconsistency are common side effects. Here's how ChatGPT can help.