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  • Email marketing funnels can help you lead people from interest to action. So, how can you build an effective one?

  • Did you know that 87% of organizations use email to distribute content? That's just one of data points related to email marketing covered in a recent infographic from EmailToolTester.

  • With some version of reopening on the horizon, marketers are having to rethink their marketing efforts, especially email—since so many of us have been relying on digital communication more than ever. What should our approach be now?

  • Email is one of the most well-established digital channels, yet many marketers continue to make common mistakes.

  • What happens when a global crisis hits and your marketing emails are suddenly one of the last things a customer has time to think about? The answer: don't proceed like normal. To ensure your email program remains effective and authentic, follow these five practical steps.

  • How can you boost the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts? This infographic explores four key areas and provides 21 tips for marketers looking to improve in each.

  • Email marketing gives you space for customization, direct communication, and easy tracking. But scaling and consistency are hard to achieve. Here are four ways to integrate AI into your email strategy without sacrificing a human touch and all the while achieving consistently better results.

  • Marketers say enhancing personalization, testing designs, and using welcome/thank you automated messages are among the most important email marketing optimizations, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • For many marketers, creating a single email or email campaign is a drawn-out, multi-week process. But it doesn't have to be. By learning to leverage micro-efficiencies (and getting some inspiration from board game strategies!), you'll be on the path to an email winning streak. Sponsored by Litmus.

  • Taking a close look at what's trending in email marketing today, GetResponse analyzed four billion emails sent from 126 countries across 19 industries. Here are five email marketing insights from that analysis.

  • If you've ever worked in email marketing, you know that one of the biggest challenges email teams face is not having enough people (or the right people) to execute a successful email marketing program. Here's what you need to know to fix that problem.

  • Done right, email marketing delivers results that outperform just about any other channel's. Done wrong, you leave money on the table with every send. So what are the roadblocks that stand in the way of optimizing email ROI?

  • Brands have near-universal visibility into email opens and clicks, and excellent visibility into bounces. But those metrics lack the depth and granularity needed to truly understand what's driving your successes and failures. We need these three KPIs instead.

  • The popularity of email has increased exponentially since it was introduced to the public in the mid-1990s. Not surprisingly engagement with emails isn't what it once used to be. How can marketers increase opens, conversions, and brand loyalty?

  • AI shows great promise, and marketers are still learning how to use it effectively and integrate it with, or use it to complement, the processes they're already using. One thing is clear, though: Email is an area where AI can offer significant advantages.

  • Much is made of email content or design—and rightfully so—but sender reputation holds plenty of power over whether or not your email reaches its expected destination. To improve email deliverability, explore a few steps you can take to enhance your sender reputation.

  • At a time when we're reaching customers through more channels than ever before, it can be easy to assume your average Millennial is more likely to engage with an Instagram post or a Facebook ad than your humble email. But if that's what you think, you're missing out on reaching Millennial customers.

  • Email: the rock-solid, time-and-customer-tested, Marketing-approved way to keep your customers coming back for more. And here are the stats to prove it--and help you be a better email marketer. So check out this epic compendium of email-related statistics from 40+ sources.

  • What can you really achieve with a solid email marketing strategy? What is a realistic email goal for your business? This article walks you through four real-world examples of businesses that set goals and used email to achieve them.

  • Email is ever-changing, but it is also here to stay as a marketer's top tool. Join us at our Email Marketing Friday Forum where three industry experts will share their deep knowledge and tactical tips to make your email marketing more effective. Sponsored by Validity.