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  • In the current environment, the pressure is on all marketers to produce results. Here are three predictions for how the coming year's standout content marketing performers will use data to their advantage.

  • B2B influencer marketing offers a unique opportunity to build credibility and trust among prospects and customers. Embrace it—but do so with the utmost care for brand safety. Follow these eight steps.

  • In a recent episode, the insightful conversation with LinkedIn ads expert AJ Wilcox ventured deep into the realm of LinkedIn advertising, unraveling myths, discussing hurdles, and sharing actionable tactics that every B2B marketer needs to know.

  • In an age when every digital interaction by potential buyers leaves a trace, salestech can help sellers and marketers harness a wealth of data. As a result, customization, at scale, is both possible and necessary.

  • To discover whether your content marketing is successful and to what extent your content goals have been met, you need to identify your content marketing's key performance indicators. Monitor these nine KPIs.

  • When businesses use chatbots, they improve engagement, lead generation, and customer experience. But what, exactly, can chatbots do for marketers? Here are the top 5 benefits.

  • What goals do printed materials help businesses accomplish? What are the biggest issues businesses face when incorporating print into their marketing strategies? For answers, researchers surveyed 441 marketing and sales decision-makers.

  • B2B marketing wouldn't be complete without an email or two (or two hundred!). Join us for our Email Marketing Friday Forum, when three industry experts will share their tips and tricks for turning up the star factor on everyday emails to amp up engagement, increase opens and clicks, and drive conversion. Sponsored by Validity.

  • Much like the three unwavering rules of success in real estate—location, location, location—the world of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising has its own triad of rules for success: quality, quality, quality. Just follow these three guiding principles.

  • Sales and marketing agency founder Owen Richards shares his unconventional views on sales enablement and the crucial role of Marketing in it, along with a fresh perspective on the interplay between Sales and Marketing.

  • This infographic covers key questions to ask when getting started on a LinkedIn strategy, core elements to include, the main things you should be doing regularly on the platform, and advanced approaches to consider.

  • In the new year, one thing is clear: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of the marketing conversation. As we move further into 2024, the marketing landscape will be shaped by four trends.

  • Another year in martech has passed at a blistering pace—with the discussion on new trends, technologies, and issues consuming our days. The author builds on his (mostly borne out) 2023 predictions about three martech trends.

  • Helping potential buyers through their buying journey is a multipronged effort involving a blend of tactics and the right content for each step. This article explores four content types and their impact during that journey.

  • Considering how rapidly marketing is changing, including how reach is fracturing across a myriad of channels and platforms, there's a lot that's not in our control. What we can control is we react to inevitable failure. For gritty marketers, it can be the secret to marketing success.

  • B2B leaders say the most common reasons sales technologies don't meet their expectations are because of internal organizational issues rather than issues with the solutions themselves, according to recent research.

  • GTM captures the essence of B2B marketing and sales. The first critical step—the most vital element of any GTM planning—is to get management buy-in, which hinges on the quality and clarity of your GTM plan. Here's how to develop and communicate a solid plan.

  • The next few years will bring fundamental shifts to marketing. First things first, though: Prepare for what's to come in 2024 before looking further out into the future. Here's where 2024's most successful marketers and media agencies will direct their focus this year.

  • The bad news is that marketing isn't going to get any easier in 2024. The good news is that your marketing output is sure to improve if you use these three predictions to work both smarter and harder in the new year. See what's ahead...

  • By 2026, 30% of B2B buying interactions will happen in Digital Rooms, according to Gartner. Discover how these deal-specific, buyer-centric microsites can improve your product launches, bring sales content to life, and foster deeper customer and analyst relationships. Sponsored by Allego.