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  • Make smarter marketing decisions based on impactful GA4 reports and key data. Get comfortable with GA4's dashboard, understand user engagement and conversion, build custom reports, and use data storytelling to present insights effectively.

  • Gain a complete picture of your customer journey with data from Facebook ads, X/Twitter ads, and more. Set up cross-platform tracking in GA4 for deep audience insights and platform attribution to improve your targeted campaigns.

  • Is your Google Analytics 4 set up correctly? Ensure GA4 is capturing the data you need to create reports for informed marketing decisions. These fundamental steps will give you confidence that your data and reports will be correct.

  • There's no shortage of AI tools. But the quality of the results you get are directly related to the prompts you feed those tools. Christopher S. Penn (chief data scientist at Trust Insights) uncovers the magic of AI prompting, his favorite structure to engineer your own high-performing prompts, and more.

  • Reach your buyers where they hang out—social media—and let AI do the heavy work! Brooke Sellas (CEO of B Squared Media) uncovers AI tools and strategies to transform your social marketing, raise engagement, and grow your brand reputation... plus the ethical concerns that make or break brand trust with buyers.

  • Getting a leg up on modern search engines requires not just new SEO tools—it requires new search strategies. Dale Bertrand (founder and president at Fire&Spark) shares his framework to enhance your SEO campaign results and dramatically improve your productivity... without replacing your human creativity.

  • Discover how to use AI to create five- and six-figure landing pages that transform prospects into sales-qualified leads in a matter of days or weeks—not months or years. Mary Owusu (CEO at Sprint Marketer) reveals the secrets to high-converting landing pages… and how AI can 10x their performance.

  • AI can write content—but that's not the only way to use AI in your email marketing! Erica Salm Rench (COO at shares how AI can automate your repetitive tasks with AI, provide personalized content recommendations, and more. Streamline your email workflow with efficient AI tools.

  • AI has made a serious impact on the video creation and production world, offering new ways to create high-quality videos faster than ever. Tyler Lessard (video marketing strategist) uncovers the roles AI plays in today’s video creation and shares his favorite tools to make better video content faster.

  • AI is democratizing design. Today, non-designer marketers can use AI to generate graphics and layouts—and designers can work faster than ever. Jared Williams (AI Consultant at Campfire Glow) shares how to apply generative AI-based design to your projects, improving design operations efficiency.

  • It seems like there's a new AI tool every week. But is it worth your time? And what tools should you be looking at? Katie Robbert (CEO of Trust Insights) walks you through the 5P framework to assess your needs, shares the most common use cases for AI, and helps you select the right tools for your marketing toolkit.

  • Get a complete framework for AI-backed digital content marketing! Andy Crestodina (founder of Orbit Media Studios) has experimented with AI for more than 100 hours, and he's revealing everything he's learned. Generate marketing images, emails, blog posts, and more with Andy's AI tips and tools.

  • Buying decisions aren't just made on data. Even in B2B, buyers are driven by emotions! Are they making the right choice? Do they trust your organization to support them after the sale? A good story appeals to both their logic and emotions—improving relationships and boosting sales. Discover how to tell a story that persuades prospects in this live workshop with Bobby Lehew.

  • Content marketing is all about Creating, Connecting, and Sharing. And thanks to social media, you now have more channels (and challenges) than ever before. Looking to get ahead of the pack and build a buying audience with your content marketing? Then come exchange ideas at this content marketing roundtable. Moderated by Ashley Faus.

  • Content marketing is all about Creating, Connecting, and Sharing. And thanks to social media, you now have more channels (and challenges) than ever before. Looking to get ahead of the pack and build a buying audience with your content marketing? Then come exchange ideas at this content marketing roundtable. Moderated by Ashley Faus.

  • Not every email gets opened, read, and clicked. What's the secret to great response? While that depends on your audience, there are tried-and-true tactics you can use to meet your goals. Join Jay Schwedelson and your email lovin' peers to discuss what works—and what doesn't—when crafting effective emails.

  • Have you played with AI tools and been disappointed with the output? Do you suspect you could get better results if you just knew the right prompts? Then join Marcus Nelson and a small group of your B2B peers for this lively conversation. Ask questions, share experiences, and float ideas to get the most from tools like ChatGPT.

  • SESSION 4 of 4: You've prepared your product or service, ironed out distribution, banged your marketing funnel into shape, and set up sales enablement content. What's left? Join us for Session 4, where you'll assemble the pieces into a final Go-to-Market Plan.

  • With Generative AI, anyone in your company can create content. But once content is created at scale, your digital assets will quickly overwhelm your ability to manage them. Don't worry—AI can help with that, too! In this closing session, Shelly shares how AI can manage your digital assets and minimize repetitive tasks.

  • SESSION 3 of 4: Want your best shot at improving sales and gaining market share? Help sales answer buyer questions! Discover what content the sales team needs to engage customers and close the sale... and include that content in your new Go-to-Market Plan.