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  • Email marketing, though old school, is always evolving, as are its enhancements. HTML has become par for the course, but many are still reluctant to include video in their emails. This article breaks down the possibilities and best-practices.

  • How can you write content that resonates with your audiences? To help marketers become more effective writers, the content team at Semrush took a look at their own tactics.

  • Your company's reputation doesn't rest on products and services alone. People like to support brands they can relate to, and a video telling your company story is the perfect way to draw them in.

  • Keeping people's eyes on your website is a vital top-funnel tactic. Check out these 10 tips for more engaging blog posts.

  • Business adviser and author Bob Wiesner shares his insights on how to create stronger B2B case studies. He explains why case studies are important, what we marketers have historically done wrong with our case studies, how to do them right—and so much more.

  • This chat with Mitch Duckler is about brand, and even more important, about creating an indispensable brand. Learn what a successful brand looks like and why extending your brand may be the next right move.

  • Marketers are storytellers, and storytellers create character sheets to ensure they know their fictional cast members inside and out. The marketing equivalent? Buyer personas. Here's why they work and how to create them.

  • Explore eight approaches for coming up with great infographic ideas, from looking to solve a burning problem to finding ways to highlight extreme cases.

  • The version of progressive profiling that most marketing automation companies espouse merely collects more data on prospective customers. But more data isn't enough. What you need instead is an understanding of those potential customers based on their behavior so you can significantly increase your chances of closing a sale.

  • Data this, metrics that... it can be hard to harness basic creativity in the current marketing environment. This article argues for a return to design and a focus on interactive content to break up the monotony.

  • Topic clusters arranged around a pillar page are SEO-friendly as well as helpful for keeping your website visitors from hopping off to learn more somewhere else. Here's how to create a topic-cluster content plan.

  • Clicking "accept cookies" is an annoying but necessary step in the modern Web browsing experience. This article covers how to construct a site banner that is both compliant and (relatively) pain-free.

  • How can you level-up your writing so that your content pieces resonate with audiences, compel action, and rank well in search? This infographic provides 16 tips from experts on how to become a better writer.

  • Your case studies are probably boring, but don't panic. It's not the cases that are the problem; it's the way you're presenting them. Fix it with this four-step cure.

  • This infographic provides 12 tips for structuring your LinkedIn profile, choosing the right content, and optimizing elements to ensure you're found.

  • Join the battle against boring B2B content! Julie shares tips, tricks, and mindsets for creating value-based, story-driven content for any B2B organization.

  • So you've just crafted a beautiful blog post bursting with metaphors and emotion and elaborate language. Done! The sales should roll in. But that's not quite how persuasion works. Check out this article to find out what does.

  • According to YouTube's annual trends report, video viewers are increasingly gravitating towards three new types of creativity: community, multiformat, and responsive.

  • It's hard to remember a time you could open an email and not be assaulted by buttons and graphics and neon colors. Is there any place for boring typeface in the marketing world anymore? Perhaps. Here are some situations when plain text is effective.

  • Which creative approaches work best for advertisers on Reddit? To help marketers optimize their campaigns, the social platform created this infographic.