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  • In just 10 minutes, we'll walk you through three simple steps to ensure your press releases make it to print. You'll learn how to craft a newsworthy angle, adhere to universal journalistic guidelines, and give editors just the right amount of spice to help your press release stand out from the rest.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll explain how GAF Roofing redefined their media and branding strategy to engage a new audience and re-engage their traditional audiences through social, PR, television, video, and more. You'll learn how to tailor your approach to capture the attention of a shifting customer base as well as gain insight on how to update both your messaging and media to increase loyalty and engagement.

  • Your first instinct on seeing a negative online review may be to immediately and vigorously defend your business. But don't overreact. You may well be able to turn the situation in your favor.

  • Leading business bloggers say the perceived authenticity of a CEO plays a critical role in how they assess a leader's abilities and performance overall, according to interviews conducted by the 10 company and Gotham Research Group.

  • It's amazing how quickly a brand can find itself in a crisis, struggling to salvage its reputation. But your brand doesn't have to suffer. Learn six steps to take—before and after a crisis—that'll help rebuild customer confidence.