Michael Goodman believes there are five keys to consulting success. Today we will look at one—setting realistic client expectations up front and planning to over-deliver on every project. Why? It's much easier to get another project from a satisfied client than it is to get an initial contract from a new client.

The success of a project is often determined before it starts. Success is defined by the client; it is a mental image clients have of what they will receive. So the consultant's goal is to shape the client's expectations so that the consultant can deliver more than the client's definition of success.

How? According to Goodman, "The client's expectations are set when the consultant presents the initial proposal." If the proposal exaggerates the deliverable, then the client will expect to receive the sun, moon and stars. Conversely, if the consultant presents a modest proposal and explains clearly what will be delivered and what will not, the client will be pleasantly surprised if the consultant delivers more than promised.

The best strategy for any consultant is to under-promise and over-deliver consistently. "Set the bar at a level you're sure you can clear, and then clear it comfortably and easily."

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