They email, they blog, they text, they chat. And now, they twitter. Yikes. offers a real-time service for "friends, family, and co-workers" to communicate what they're doing (in 140 characters or less)—"between emails and phone calls." Great. Do you really need to add this to your day? Well, perhaps you do.

Some say there is definitely a place for Twitter in B2B marketing. According to Valeria Maltoni, "Twitter may be the most appropriate tool to get messages to those you wish to reach, fast and with economy of words." So to help you get up and twittering, Maltoni recently offered a short guide on How to Use Twitter in B2B:

Start a Twitter profile. Visit and sign up. If you want to communicate with just a few clients or colleagues, keep your stream private by checking the "protect my updates" box under Settings.

Spread the word to your intended audience, with simple instructions on how to sign up for a free account and follow your stream. Now you're rolling. It's that easy.

Explore the universe. Share tidbits from seminars and other events. Broadcast meetings and meeting places, and open a video or audio channel for those who can't join you. Gather feedback, check with the office on a client question and follow up on business calls.

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